AICS Training Institute is a constituent of the African Institute for Children Studies, an NGO registered in Kenya with the mandate to provide Training, Policy Advisory, Research, M&E and Organization Capacity Development Services. Some of the profits from the company supports education of needy children through AICS Education Fund; research, training and policy advocacy for betterment of children and communities across Africa.
Our Vision:
A global leader in the provision of knowledge and capacity building for professionals in the social and corporate workforce. AICS collaborates with School of Social Works at Arizona State University (USA) and Daystar University in Kenya in designing and delivering its training and research programs.
Click at the button below to register, and confirm your booking via email to:
Month | Course No. | COURSE TITLE |
January | C201 | Education Planning for Children in Emergency & Resource Limited Areas |
C301 | Child Health from Rights Based Perspective | |
February | C108 | Child Rights Based Approach to Programming |
C401 | Grants, Tendering, Fundraising and Management | |
March | C105 | Psychosocial Support and Trauma Management for Children and Adolescents |
C106 | Case Management for Children and Adolescents in need of care and protection | |
April | C101 | Childhood and Child Development |
C102 | Legislations, Policies, Guidelines & Advocacy Framework for Actors in Children Sector | |
May | C103 | Child Protection including Protection in Emergencies |
C104 | Positive & Alternative Discipline Methods | |
June | C409 | Disability Mainstreaming |
C408 | Gender Mainstreaming | |
July | C405 | Research Methods & Knowledge Management |
C406 | Effective Communication Skills | |
August | C404 | Quality Improvement and Auditing of Programs/ Projects |
C407 | Training of Trainers in Programming for Actors in Children Sector | |
September | C402 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse |
C403 | HIV/AIDS at workplace | |
October | C107 | Child Participation & Advocacy Framework for Actors in Children Sector |
C302 | Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers and Supervisors | |
November | C410 | Monitoring & Evaluation |
C411 | Project Planning and Management | |
December | C109 | Life Skills for Adolescents |
C110 | Skillful Parenting |
Sample Training Works include
Month | Course Title | Client | |
Nov 2015 | International Course on M&E from Child Rights Lens held at Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya | Trainees drawn from Six NGOs and Two Universities in Kenya and Uganda | |
Aug-Nov 2014 | Building capacity for effective child participation in human security and development in Turkana County | International Labour Organisation (ILO) | |
Sept-Nov 2013 | Capacity building of TDH partners (government and NGOs) in designing, implementing and monitoring child labor projects in South Sudan, targeting worst forms of child labour | Terre des Hommes (Swiss), South Sudan | |
2011 | Improving Employee Productivity through Healthy Family Relations. Varied trainings on skilful parenting and career guidance for children of staff | Tetra Pak Ltd Kenya |